Salesforce vs HubSpot: Total Cost of Ownership

Hubspot vs. Salesforce

Looking to upgrade your CRM and maximize your tech stack? Don’t forget to crunch the numbers on Total Cost of Ownership. What is total cost of ownership? Total cost of ownership (TCO) digs deep into both the obvious and sneaky costs of a product or service. It’s a concept from management accounting that looks into […]

Crescendo acquires CBD, shifting focus to Fintech and CBD Marketing

CBD Marketing

At Crescendo Consulting, we don’t shy away from moves we know will enhance our clients’ growth. That’s why we acquired Crescendo has always been focused on helping highly regulated brands grow their marketshare and avoid legal potholes that could end up costing them millions. And with CBD becoming a more and more accepted product […]

Zanbato builds its brand


+ 0 % Organic Traffic + 0 % Overall Traffic + 0 % Conversions The challenge This client was competing with unrelated topics that took organic real estate and competitors bidding on their brand name. The approach Help search engines understand their brand through entity development, and protect their brand through SEM Breaking down what […]

Fintech startups need to fix their s&%t

Fintech diversity inclusion

Fred had been homeless until around 2017. He finally got on his feet and became a dump truck driver. He was finally able to save some money- all cash that he kept in his house. He had around $18,000 and he wanted to invest it in something–anything. He just didn’t want it to be too […]

How to use ChatGPT for Advanced SEO

ChatGPT for Advanced SEO

ChatGPT is capable of participating in discussions and answering questions in a manner that’s very close to a human. But it also has the capability of processing hundreds of thousands of data points in a few seconds. For SEOs looking to scale operations, it’s a game changer. ‌We wrote an article on Wix introducing all […]

Visa acquired Pismo?


Visa acquired Pismo. Here’s how their competitors can take advantage Visa acquired a company called, who focuses on payment API integrations. We read through the PR statements, and there’s some gold nuggets for Pismo’s competitors, if they know what to look for. So what’s the goal for Visa acquiring them? There’s a few outlined […]